Service Projects


Service Projects Planned for 2022-23 – see calendar for details and how to sign up

Collecting CRV Cans & Bottles to raise funds for Rotocare – July 3-22nd… Now ongoing (cans only) to raise funds for Youth Exchange Student

Volunteering at various events hosted by the City of San Ramon’s Parks & Community Services 

Beautification Projects at Forest Home Farm

Collect School Supplies to take to Uganda – Month of August

International Trip to Deliver Wheelchairs to Uganda (District Grant project) 

Sorting Food at the Contra Costa Bank – September 3, November 26th

Rotary 3rd Grade Dictionary Project – in partnership with other local Rotary Clubs

Volunteering at the Run for Education and the Education Expo – October 8 & 7

Pick-up with a Purpose (Winter)

One Warm Coat

Thanksgiving Baskets

Adopt a Family/Secret Santa

San Ramon Historic Foundation’s Sheep Shearing Day – April 

Pick-up with a Purpose (end of school) – June


Recurring Service Projects

Thanksgiving Baskets:  Partnering with Los Cerros Middle School PTSA, Cornerstone Church, and SRVUSD, we delivered Thanksgiving baskets to 50 local school families, feeding over 250 people! Thank you, Rene Matsumoto for coordinating the delivery and volunteers. And thank you to the Gerbert family for storing the bags of grocery and being our “home base.”

SRVUSD provided the families. Los Cerros Middle School PTSA has a long tradition of coordinating grocery and cash donations to create hundreds of Thanksgiving Baskets. The students are included in the massive assembly line filling of large bags filled with fresh produce, stuffing, gravy, broth, cranberry sauce, cornbread mix, pumpkin bread mix, paper towels, foil, etc. Some of our club members moved the 50 bags from Los Cerros to the Gerbert’s family room. Cornerstone Church provided the turkeys, pumpkin pies, and some delivery volunteers.

TG Baskets 1    TG Baskets 2 TG Baskets 3





















Volunteering at the Food Bank Warehouse:  We volunteer quarterly at the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano County.

TG Food Bank 2021

Food Bank 2020-2







Pickup with a Purpose:  Each year, schools within the San Ramon Valley Unified School District find themselves with hundreds of clothing items in their “lost and found.”  The DVSR Rotary collects the Lost & Found items from all interested schools.  With the help of Interact youth and scouts, we sort the clothing, toss ruined or broken items, and redistribute what’s left to charitable organizations that serve kids and families.

PUWAP 2019 - Gayle Patty

PUWAP 2019 - Sridhar Stella PUWAP 2019 - Kim

During the Pandemic:

Shoe, Diaper, Sock and Feminine Hygiene Drives:     

Soles for Shoes packed car   Diaper Drive-2

Dog Toys:  From tennis balls and recycled T-shirts, we made 475 dog toys and donated them to animal shelters.

Dog Toys 2 Dog Toys 4 Dog Toys finished pile

Past Projects

House Building:  We supported Hearts Empowering the Poor to build a house in San Luis Río Colorado México

IMG_8043 IMG_8116IMG_8145 IMG_8313 IMG_8330IMG_8428IMG_8523 IMG_84169998

Community Fair: 

For many years our club organized and hosted the SRV Community Fair which provided an opportunity the providers of all kinds of programming for children and youth to come together in a single venue for families to check out as they make plans.  The March 2020 fair was cancelled because of the pandemic and hasn’t been revived yet.







Art & Wind Festival:  Our club participated in the Art & Wind Festival, San Ramon.  Our food booth consisted of Baked Potatoes and Corn on the Cobb. 

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Youth to Youth:  Youth to Youth was founded in 1982 in Columbus, Ohio, as a community-based drug prevention and youth leadership program focusing primarily on middle school and high school students. The goal of its many projects is harnessing the powerful influence of peer pressure—making it a positive force that encourages young people to live free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Our club hosted lunch for the attendees which involved setting up, serving, and cleaning up from their lunch break at Castro Valley High School.

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One Warm Coat Drive: During the Christmas Holiday season our club supports San Ramon Valley Rotary club bag coats, sweaters, blankets for distribution to the homeless both in the Bay Area and internationally. This year girl scouts troop 32119 joined us as well!

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Pickup with a Purpose:  Each year, schools within the San Ramon Valley Unified School District find themselves with hundreds of clothing items in their “lost and found.”  The DVSR Rotary collects the Lost & Found items from all interested schools.  With the help of Interact youth and scouts, we sort the clothing, toss ruined or broken items, and redistribute what’s left to charitable organizations that serve kids and families.

 PUWAP 2 2014 PUWAP patty PUWAP 2014 PUWAP rmsh

Iron Horse Trail Improvements:  We joined with other Rotary Clubs in the Valley to plant trees and shrubs at designated rest nodes along the Iron Horse Trail.

IH Trail 06 IH Trail 05 IH Trail 02 IH Trail 13 9180_10154699751249816_4805218784967709265_n

PACE School for Girls: The Club sponsors two young girl’s education through high school at the Piyali Learning Center in India.

shampa skipping  shampa's drawing   shampa letter

Dictionary Project:  >We join with the other Rotary Clubs in the San Ramon Valley to provide dictionaries for every SRVUSD 3rd grader.

DVSR Dictionary Distro 11 Oct 2016   DVSR Dictionary Distro Scott 11 Oct 2016 (1)dictionary project 2014zPuvTe8UTTOA2zIYP0DriwIMG_0998

Supporting local families in need during the holidays: through Toys for Tots and by providing holiday meal gift baskets.

toys for tots  Thanksgiving meals 2013