DVSR Foundation

The DVSR Rotary Foundation is the fundraising arm of our club.  Its mission is to raise money and make charitable contributions directed at youth & education within the San Ramon area and/or California, as well as causes which alleviate suffering in a time of crisis, including:

  • Contributions to Veterans and causes benefitting Veterans
  • Contributions to schools and for educational scholarships
  • Charitable contributions for youth activities and to youth organizations within, or substantially benefiting, the San Ramon area, our County and/or California
  • Charitable organizations within, or substantially benefiting, the San Ramon area, our County and/or California
  • Support of Rotary International and the many causes of the Rotary Foundation, which include eradicating polio from the face of the earth once and for all.

For more information about DVSR Rotary Foundation visit www.dvsrrotaryfoundation.org